Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Semantic Web: 36h. L2, IUT Nice UNS, France.

    Participants: Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • Semantic Web: 45h. Master 2, IFI KIS PolyTech Nice, UNS, France.

    Participants: Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon.

  • Knowledge Engineering: 20h. Master 2, IFI KIS PolyTech Nice, UNS, France.

    Participants: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • Semantic Web: 2h. Ecole Centrale Paris.

    Participant: Fabien Gandon.

  • Semantic Web: 3h. ENS Cachan.

    Participant: Fabien Gandon.

  • Semantic Web: 3h. Miage UNS

    Participant: Fabien Gandon.

  • Semantic Web: 8h. URFIST Rennes.

    Participant: Fabien Gandon.

  • Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) Design and Evaluation: 35h. Master 2, PolyTech Nice, UNS.

    Participant: Alain Giboin

  • Post WIMP interaction paradigms and interface evolution: 4h. Master 2 Polytech UNS.

    Participant: Alain Giboin.

  • Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation: 6h, Master 2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS

    Participant: Alain Giboin

  • Place of Ergonomics in Agile Projects: 2h. Licence Pro IDSE, IUT, UNS.

    Participant: Alain Giboin.

  • Web Services: 36h. MASTER MIAGE 2, UNS.

    Participant: Serena Villata

  • Web Services: 42h. MASTER MIAGE 2, UNS.

    Participant: Zeina Azmeh.

  • Object Oriented Design: UML & OCL: 36h. L3 MIAGE, UNS.

    Participant: Maxime Lefrançois.

  • Object Oriented Programming: Java: 18h. L3 MIAGE, UNS.

    Participant: Maxime Lefrançois.

  • Enterprise Components Architecture: Java EE 6, EJB 3.1, JSF 2.0: 13h. M2 MIAGE UNS

    Participant: Maxime Lefrançois.

  • XML Technologies: 36h. Master 1 MIAGE, UNS.

    Participant: Elena Cabrio.

  • Web Programing: 30h. DUT Info S1 et S2 at IUT, UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Design tools and Programming with relational DBMS: 105h. DUT S3 Info at IUT, UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Theoretical basis of Computation: 45h. DUT S4 Info at IUT, UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Logical Data Models and languages: 24h. Licence Pro Info LP3 at UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Design and Development of DBMS services: 24h. Licence Pro Info LP3 at UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Architecture of Software Engineering: 12h. Licence Pro Info LP3 at UNS.

    Participant: Nhan Le Thanh.

  • Introduction to the Web: 37h. Licence 1, UFR Sciences UNS.

    Participant: Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • Algorithmics, Object Oriented Programming, Python: 50h. Licence 2, UFR Sciences UNS.

    Participant: Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • Distributed Systems: 18h. Master MIAGE 1, UFR Sciences UNS.

    Participant: Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • Web 2.0, Web Services, HTML5: 40h. Master 2 UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Distributed Web Development: 40h. Master 2 UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Web Technologies: 40h. Master 1 UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Java Certification: 25h. Master 2 UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Plasticity of User Interfaces, HTML5: 8h. Master 2 Polytech UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • New Interaction Means, HTML5: 8h. Master 2 Polytech UNS.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Linux shell: 66h. IUT UNS.

    Participant: Franck Berthelon.

  • Linux: 24h. IUT UNS.

    Participant: Khalil Bouzidi.

  • DBMS and J2EE: 22h. IUT UNS.

    Participant: Khalil Bouzidi.

  • Langages for documents : XML, XSD et XSL: 32H. Master 2 UNS.

    Participant: Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • Network Programming: 12h. Master 1 UNS.

    Participant: Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • Object Oriented Programming and Algorithmics: 130h. Licence 3 UNS.

    Participant: Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • Statistical Data Analysis: 39h. Licence 3 UNS.

    Participant: Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • HTML5 : W3C Online Course, delivers a W3C certification.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • HTML5 : Tutorial at WWW Conference, April 2012, Lyon, France.

    Participant: Michel Buffa.

  • Argumentation for Agent Societies: Summer School at EASSS 2012.

    Participant: Serena Villata.



  • Adrien Basse, Extracting Graph Patterns to Characterize RDF Data Sources, University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal, december 10th, Fabien Gandon;

PhD in progress :

  • Pavel Arapov, Semantic Application Wiki, UNS, Michel Buffa, Nhan Le Thanh ;

  • Franck Berthelon, Emotional State Detection from Electroencephalogram Data for "Serious Games", UNS, Peter Sander ;

  • Khalil Bouzidi, Semantic Web Approach to Support the Creation of Technical Regulatory Documents in Building Industry, UNS, CSTB, Nhan Le Thanh, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Bruno Fies.

  • Luca Costabello, Mobile Access to the Web of Data Inria, UNS, Fabien Gandon, Ivan Herman;

  • Papa Fary Diallo, Co-Construction of Community Ontologies and Corpus in a Limited Technological Environ- ment. Inria, UGB, Isabelle Mirbel, Olivier Corby, Moussa Lo;

  • Corentin Follenfant, Usage semantics of analytics and Business Intelligence tools, UNS, SAP, Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby, David Trastour;

  • Rakebul Hasan, Explanations for Social Semantic Web, UNS, Fabien Gandon;

  • Maxime Lefrançois, Collaborative multilingual management of interlingual knowledge bases, Inria, UNS, Fabien Gandon, Christian Boitet;

  • Nicolas Marie, Pervasive sociality through social objects, Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, Fabien Gandon, Myriam Ribière;

  • Oumy Seye, Rules for the Web of Data, University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal, Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Moussa Lo;

  • Imen Tayari, Representation, Annotation and Detection of Emotions in Multimodal Signals , Sfax, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh and Chokri Ben Amar;

  • Nguyen Thi Hoa Hue, Semantic Mappings with a Dataflow-based scientific worflow : an approach to develop dataflow applications using knowledge-based systems, Vietnam, Nhan Le Thanh;


Fabien Gandon was jury member of


Talel Abdessalem, Complex data management: spatio-temporal data, XML and the Web, Télécom ParisTech, January 4th, (Reviewer).

PhD Thesis:

Antoine Seilles, Structuration de débats en ligne à l’aide d’Annotations socio-sémantiques. Vers une analyse de réseaux sociaux centrés sur l’interaction, January 25th, LIRMM, (Reviewer).

Benoit Mathern, Découverte interactive de connaissances à partir de traces d'activité : Synthèse d'automates pour l'analyse et la modélisation de l'activité de conduite automobile, March 12th, LIRIS, (Reviewer).

David Rouquet, Multilinguïsation d'ontologies dans le cadre de la recherche d'information translingue dans des collections d'images accompagnées de textes spontanés, IMAG, April 6th, (Examiner).

Damien Leprovost, Découverte et analyse des communautés implicites par une approche sémantique en ligne : l’outil WebTribe, LE2I Université de Bourgogne, November 30th , (Examiner).

Milan Stankovic, Web Social Sémantique: Applications dans l'innovation sur le Web, December 7th, university Paris-Sorbonne (Reviewer).

Alice Hermann, Création et mise à jour guidée d'objets dans une base de connaissances, December 17th, IRISA INSA Rennes, (Examiner).

Invited Talks

Michel Buffa:

HTML5 for audio applications, invited talk for the "Le Web des fonctions" conference, organized by the "Centre de Création Musicale" GRAME, Lyon, France, June 27th.

Social Network Analysis and Semantic Web, invited talk at the Summer School about "Knowledge Dynamics, Industry Evolution, Economic Development", organized by GREDEG (UNS and CNRS), July 9-13th,   Nice.

Elena Cabrio & Serena Villata

Natural Language Arguments: A Combined Approach, invited talk at the 12th International Workshop On Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 12), co-located with ECAI 2012, Montpellier, France, August.

Natural Language Arguments: Results and Challenges, invited talk at University of Liverpool - Department of Computer Science, December 12th,

Olivier Corby:

Invited Speaker at RISE Workshop (Recherche d'Information Sémantique) held at EGC, Bordeaux, January 31st: Un peu de (Web) sémantique pour la recherche d'information.

Invited Speaker at Xerox Research Center, Grenoble, May 29th: Corese Semantic Web Factory.

Fabien Gandon:

Conference SIIE (http://siie2012.loria.fr ), Semantic and Social Intraweb for Corporate Intelligence and Watch. February 18th.

Séminaire D'Alembert (http://www.centre-dalembert.u-psud.fr/#S4 ), Web sémantique et social : nouvelles pratiques de recherche et circulation des savoirs sur le Web 3.0, March 14th.

SophiaConf (http://www.sophiaconf.fr ), DataLift: Un catalyseur pour le Web de données, July 4th.

Ercim ABCDE, Wimmics research presentation, October 25th.

Journées de la Recherche IGN, Web sémantique et Web social: deux étapes vers les données liées d'un Web ubiquitaire, March 9th.

IST Seminar (http://www.inria.fr/ist2012 ), L'avenir du Web au prisme de la ressource, September 30th-October 5th.

Alain Giboin:

The culture of sharing in social medias (networks): How do computer scientists and usage analysts reconcile their views to design user-adapted social medias? - Interdisciplinary seminar Culture, numérique & culture numérique, CERI, Avignon, April 5.

This seminar included another invited talk - Le numérique et l'humain - given by Claude Kirchner, Délégué général à la recherche et au transfert pour l’innovation (Inria).